Rory Muses about hololive English -Justice-

June 18th, 2024: Cover Corporation drops a teaser for the fourth generation of hololive English talents. The inclusion of the word “innit” in the Tweet sparks speculation about them being based in Europe. Now here we are a few days later, where all four members of hololive English -Justice- have debuted. As I have done before with Council and Advent, I shall be sharing my thoughts on each of the talents. The first member of Justice to debut was Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame.Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame Her name is so chuuni; I love it. I will embed her debut stream below.

Elizabeth has an incredible voice. She’s only just debuted and many are already considering her as one of the best singers in hololive; a sentiment that is honestly quite justified. She sings a few times during her debut stream, and she also has a cover of OTONABLUE which she released immediately afterwards.
Her impressive voice doesn’t stop at singing. Turns out that Liz is quite talented when it comes to impressions, too. She definitely caught people off-guard, especially when she started doing a Takamori bit mid-song.
Something that I am ecstatic to say about Elizabeth is that she is British. Or, you know, hails from the kingdom of Great Exardia if you want to stick to the lore. Her stream included a few references here and there that I was pleased to see sail straight over the heads of the non-Brits watching. I guess I can explain a few.
First up, toad in the hole. An English dish that consists of sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter. Her BRB screen is a parody of Test Card F, which would be shown on TV by the BBC when no programs were being broadcast. She says “Lovely to see you, to see you lovely”, which is a variation of English entertainer and television presenter Sir Bruce Forsyth’s “Nice to see you, to see you nice” catchphrase.
OK, that’s enough Britsplaining. Elizabeth is a phenomenal talent, and I am so happy to see a Brit join hololive.

The second member to debut was Gigi Murin.Gigi Murin Seemingly the only member of Justice who is not based in Europe. I will embed her debut stream here for consistency’s sake, but it does seem like you will need to actually go to YouTube to watch it proper.

Her debut was a lot of fun. Heavily TTRPG inspired, she even got chat to participate in a game where she would roll based on decisions voted for in polls. Her very first roll being a 1 was absolutely perfect. Integrating chat that way definitely made for a creative debut. And then she had another game that was very Frogger-like. Chat could type one of her four directions, and the goal was to get her across a street. I’ll let you discover how that went on your own.
As tends to be tradition, she shared some of the games and anime she liked; or to be more accurate, a list of media that changed her life “for better or worse”. Some things that stood out to me from that list included Ace Attorney, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, Ghost Trick, Bocchi, and Love Live!. There was much more on that list, including several MMORPGs.
Gigi claims to not be all that intelligent, but I don’t believe that at all. Sure, she may have some “head empty” moments, but she definitely gave us a creative debut stream. She also has great energy, and a good laugh to match. Also, her cover of Hitomania with the stop-motion video is excellent.

That covers the first day of debuts. Immediately a strong start for hololive English -Justice-, but we still have two more talents to discuss.

Kicking us off for the second day of debuts was Cecilia Immergreen.Cecilia ImmergreenCecilia is an automaton, and the second green talent in hololive English.

Her debut stream starts, and almost immediately she falls down the stairs. Much like Gigi, her debut also included a game with chat integration. Again, I won’t spoil how that played out, but I will say Cecilia calling out certain people got a good laugh out of me.
Talking of games, her favourites include Chrono Trigger. That is some phenomenal taste right there. Then her favourite anime includes Madoka Magica, Girls’ Last Tour and Azumanga Daioh among others. Her tastes are somewhat quite aligned with my own.
Cecilia joins the ranks of the multilingual VTubers of hololive, as she knows English, German, French and a little Norwegian. If there were any doubts about this being a mostly European generation, I imagine that would have dispelled them by now.
Oh, she also happens to be a violinist. Something that she incredibly demonstrates with performances of Run from Spice and Wolf, and A Beautiful Song from NieR:Automata. The talent that these talents have displayed so far has been phenomenal.
Cecilia may be able to play the violin, but apparently letting her behind the wheel of a car is a bad idea. The way she ended her debut was pretty funny, too. That preceded her release of a cover song, Forgotten Worlds. Some great talent on display there.

That brings us on to the fourth member of Justice, Raora Panthera.Raora PantheraRaora is also know as The Artist with the God Eyes. She is also Italian.

The final talent to debut for Justice is the artist of the group. Lots of people immediately fell for her design; I wonder if you can tell why? Well, perhaps the word “squish” will be enough of a hint for you.
Lorewise, Justice were introduced in order to catch the fugitives Advent – a duty that Raora almost immediately decides to drop, instead focusing on becoming an idol.
Her goals mostly revolve around her art, including becoming a “mama in hololive”. In this case, I assume that she means she wants to draw the design for a future VTuber in the company. That would definitely be interesting to see.
Raora’s BRB screen is so good. The pixel art style is great, and it is very bouncy.
Would it surprise you to learn that this Italian’s favourite food is pizza? There is a slight twist, though – and no, it does not involve pineapple. As for her other favourite things: Madoka Magica, Lucky Star and Pokémon were the things that stood out most to me.
I really liked her encouraging viewers to design their own Chattino; that reminds me of Bijou and her Pebbles.
All four members of Justice released cover songs, and Raora went with DECO*27’s Hibana. I love me some DECO*27, and Raora also flexes her abilities as an artist in the video. Her voice is also earning her comparisons to Tokoyami Towa, which I think is quite the compliment.
Much like the others before her, Raora had a great debut stream.

With all four debut streams done and dusted, Justice had their first collab stream:

So we got to see how they were together as group, and honestly, they are great. Gigi and Cecilia in particular had some great interactions; I am very much looking forward to their A Way Out collab in a few days’ time (at the time of writing).
I think it’s pretty funny that chat voted for “Justchads” as the collective fan name for Justice fans, and then almost immediately regretted it. Can’t blame me for that one; I voted “Justeteers”.
Their first collab together showed us a pretty great group dynamic; it’ll be interesting to see how that evolves as they grow over time.

These four talents are phenomenal additions to hololive English’s already stellar lineup, and I am so pleased that they are European, or at least intend to stream at times for EU bros. Going by early schedules, it seems like Raora is going to be perfect lunchtime viewing for me, and Elizabeth will be covering dinnertime. Probably. Kind of hard to say when Elizabeth doesn’t have a schedule out for the whole week. Gigi and Cecilia both have favourable timeslots for European viewers, too.
Of course, there are always VODs. There is no obligation to be there live for every stream, and that is something that is worth remembering. As for unarchived karaokes… well, I’m sure clippers will provide for those who can’t watch live.

I will be watching Justice’s career with great interest. So I guess that’s all that is left to say is welcome to hololive, Justice, and I wish you great success.

About Rory

I enjoy writing, manga, anime and video games, so naturally here on my blog, you will find anime reviews, Nintendo news and other such things that I deem interesting.
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